This year marked the 15th anniversary of the Emerald City Comicon. I went to the very first event back in 2003, and there were only about 1200 fans in attendance. Not bad for a first year event, as it turns out. This year’s pop-culture celebration brought in around 90,000 attendees!
And why not? There was tons to see and do, people to meet, and stuff to buy! Professional writers and artists signed autographs and drew custom sketches, cosplayers dressed up as their favorite characters and posed for pictures, and big time film and TV stars like Jeremy Renner (American Hustle, The Avengers), Evangeline Lilly (Ant-Man, Lost), and the stars of Outlander (Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan) met with fans. Rocker Alice Cooper made an appearance, and there was even a “cameo” from Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee.
If you like pop-art, books, film or TV (and if you don’t, what planet do you live on?), I encourage you to attend the next Emerald City Comicon, which will be held March 1st through 4th of 2018. Your eyes will pop, your brain will overload, and your feet will eventually ache, but you’ll also have a blast!
Meanwhile, here are a few photos I took of the ever-famous ComiCon cosplayers. Enjoy!
“Producer Dan” Roberts
On-Air Weekdays 10am to 3pm
And Mornings with Dave, Ken & Molly on 92.9 ZZU